Tuesday 9 December 2014

Brick Set

Brick Set with Carmen rollers

For this lesson, we looked at how to do a nice clean brick set using Carmen rollers. The purpose of the brick set is to create a full body hairstyle with no gaps or partings in the hair. 

The rollers are placed in the hair, in a brick formation, so that there is no parting in the hair where the roller finishes. When creating a brick set it is important to maintain clean sections, and tension at the root. This creates a nice clean roll, which gives a better finish to the end hairstyle.

Demo by guest teacher Neil Rothwell

Products and tools used:
Setting spray
Paddle brush
Pintail comb
Carmen rollers

Brick set, back
Fig 2

Step by step

1. Brush hair out to get rid of knots
2. Section hair at front of head with pintail comb, depending on size of roller depends on how much hair you take. No wider than width of roller
3. Keep section taught and spray with setting lotion
4. Place roller at end of hair, and tuck the ends around roller
5. Roll the roller up underneath the section until it meet the head
6. Pin roller in place so it doesn't fall out 
7. Carry on Brickwork  pattern around head
8. Wait for rollers to go cold and then dress hair out as desired

Above is my brick set half way through. I wanted to make sure my brickwork pattern was in the correct place. As you can see in figure 2, I haven't completely caught all of the hair in my rollers, and haven't kept the tension at the root very tight. This is something I need to practice. Things to remember when using the carmen rollers, was that the electrical wire had to be put out of the way to avoid accidents, and also that they get very hot, so working quickly to avoid burning fingertips is necessary.

I was pleased with the set, but I need to remember to grab all the hairs, I can practice this by using my pintail comb to curl them in. Also my tension in the top of the rollers. One thing to think about as well is that the rollers can be put in the hair in different directions, to create different looks. I could think about this for future practice.

My outcome was a full body style. I liked the volume of the look, but I need to practice the direction in which I put rollers in the fringe, as I felt the fringe could have been better, but overall I was quite happy with the style I created.

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