A worldwide renowned magazine, Vogue was created in 1892 by American Arthur Turnure, and was acquired by Conde Montrose Nast, which became Conde Nast publishing. The magazine is primarily fashion and lifestyle, including social, political and economic issues into its pages as well.
The magazine is now in circulation in over 21 countries, including USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Japan and Australia, and comes out monthly. The 21st century saw countries such as China and India join the Vogue family, and Vogue almost puts a country on the map of fashion, and gives it sophistication. Each edition of Vogue, wherever it is, takes a characteristic from its country. For example this edition of Vogue Japan incorporated a modern take on a traditional style of dress, with a modern Australian model (Miranda Kerr). I feel like this ties Vogue together as a whole, that even though each country has its individuality, it still incorporates the global industry.
Miranda Kerr for Vogue Japan |
The audience for Vogue is typically Female, with a small percentage being male. This is because the magazine focuses on female clothing, and female lifestyle with articles about Genes, skincare and DNA, to articles about being a red-head. This type of reading often attracts an older audience, which is why the readership is a median age of 38.
This is also reflected through the advertisements in the magazine. Most advertisements are high end fashion labels such as Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, and Chanel, but they also incorporate brands such as H&M, and Next occasionally to bring high street into the high fashion world.
Overall Vogue has a huge fashion influence and is pretty much the biggest fashion magazine in the world. Editor in chief Anna Wintour is a huge influence on the industry, just for being the editor of the American editions. This shows how powerful the brand is, and the fact that its kept its relevance for so many years, and continues to grow all over the world, shows it doesn't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.
Cartner-Morley, J. (2012) ‘From Thailand to Ukraine: a country’s in vogue when it has its own Vogue’, The Guardian, 19 December. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/dec/19/fashion-vogue-magazine-thailand-ukraine (Accessed: 10 February 2015).
Miranda Kerr for Vogue Japan November 2014 (2014) IMG models. Available at: http://imgmodels.com/news/miranda-kerr-for-vogue-japan-november-2014 (Accessed: 10 February 2015).
Nast, C. (no date) Vogue – Media Kit Print | Condé Nast. Condé Nast. Available at: http://www.condenast.com/brands/vogue/media-kit/print (Accessed: 10 February 2015).
Vogue - Circulation and audience (no date) conde nast. Available at: https://condenast.ru/en/portfolio/magazines/vogue/circulation/ (Accessed: 10 February 2015).
Vogue - History (no date) conde nast. Available at: https://condenast.ru/en/portfolio/magazines/vogue/history/ (Accessed: 10 February 2015).
‘Vogue (magazine)’ (2015) Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogue_%28magazine%29 (Accessed: 10 February 2015).
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